Wildflower Honey Co. Package Design


Wildflower Honey Co. Package Design //

  • CLIENT // Wildflower Honey Co.

    TARGET AUDIENCE // Food connoisseurs.

    CONCEPT // Wildflower Honey Co.'s bees collect nectar to make their honey from a variety of different plants, all unique to their 10 different bee yards, because of this they call it "Wildflower Honey" as in a wild mixture of many different plants. We planned to create an elegant visual using muted color palette of various plants to design a clean lanel that impress the upper middle class food fair attendees.

    DESIGN ISSUES // The challenge was to look unique given there are plenty of competition, in the end we went with a boutique brand look & feel.

    DESIGN PROCESS // Worked on numerous design concepts, collaborated with clients to decide on a simple elegant theme, the traditional use of typography and the names were integrated around the label without distracting the negative space in the center. 

    SPECIAL THANKS // Steve Holmes, Ben & Bri.

    INSTAGRAM // wildflowerhoneyco

    WEBSITE // wildflowerhoneycollective.ca


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